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(131020) L.Joe in Brazilian program "Tudo a Ver" (TV Record) - Idol Sports

131020 L.Joe in Brazilian program "Tudo a Ver" TV Record - Idol Sports на нашем великолепном сайте. А знаете ли вы что программа avertv .

The Brazilian program called "Tudo a Ver" (channel Rede Record) showed (Teen TOP) L.Joe's fall in the program "2011 Idol Star Athletics Championship" (110827). The category of the program was "The funniest videos from the internet". We would like to say that this wasn't something defamatory, the program only showed a fun video that they found on youtube about falls and, occasionally, they saw L.Joe's video that is pretty funny. It wasn't something to end the group's image, by chance, they didn't mention names (even if they have confused L.Joe with a girl, this was really sad). --- Gostaríamos de dizer que isso não foi algo difamatório, o programa apenas mostrou um vídeo divertido que eles acharam no youtube sobre quedas e, ocasionalmente, viram o vídeo do L.Joe que é bem engraçado. Não foi algo para acabar com a imagem do grupo, por acaso, eles não mencionaram nomes (mesmo que tenham confundido L.Joe com uma garota, o que foi triste). Subtitles in English and Portuguese: @teentopbrazil Recording: @teentopbrazil

Теги: ljoe, brazilian, program, tudo, ver, record
Рейтинг: 0 506 просмотров
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