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Crysis - Game Movie

Crysis - Game Movie на нашем великолепном сайте. А знаете ли вы что crysis .

Crysis Game Movie Website: Community: /forums Crysis begins in 2020 when North Korean forces led by General Ri-Chan Kyong take control of the Lingshan Islands. A team of American civilian archaeologists, led by Dr. Rosenthal, send out a distress call indicating that they have discovered something that could change the world. Thus Raptor Team is dispatched to the islands, with the core mission of evacuating them and securing any valuable information that they have. The team consists of Nomad, Psycho, Aztec, Jester and team leader Prophet (all under code names); they are outfitted with Nanosuits, which help protect them from gunfire and explosions, as well as giving them superhuman strength and abilities. Gameplay: MrPlentl Game Developer: Crytek Frankfurt Game Publisher: Electronic Arts

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