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Filmsday Friday: Race in Captain America

Filmsday Friday: Race in Captain America на нашем великолепном сайте. А знаете ли вы что молодежный фильм .

In which I have a (mostly spoiler-free) discussion on the portrayal of race in Marvel's Captain America movie franchise and how it was used as a thematic device, with extra commentary on how racism explains the motivations and the character of Nick Fury. I had to gloss over and exclude much of the research done for this video in order to keep it of a relatively watchable length, but feel free to continue the discussion in comments! For Reviewsday Tuesday book reviews, follow the tumblr I co-run with a fellow Canadian nerdfighter to collect reviews: I am doing a "read all the Newbery Medal winning books" challenge with my friend William D. Dickerson! Our blog is here: You can also find me on... Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr:

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